Name | Meaning | Gender | Origin |
Brehus | A Knight | Male | Arthurian |
Brenius | A Supposed King Of Britain | Male | Arthurian |
Brennus | A Supposed King Of Britain | Male | Arthurian |
Breuse | A Knight | Male | Arthurian |
Briareus | Myth Name (A Titan) | Male | Greek |
Britomartus | Meaning Unknown | Male | Celtic |
Brus | From Bruys | Male | Gaelic |
Brutus | Myth Name | Male | English |
Bushra | Good Omen | Female | Arabic |
Busiris | Name Of An Ancient Egyptian King Who Killed Visitors To His City.The Name Means "Temple Of Osiris." | Male | African |
Butrus | Arabic Form Of Peter (Stone) | Male | Arabic |
Cacanisius | Son Of Nis | Male | Irish |
Cadmus | From The East | Male | Greek |
Caeneus | Myth Name (A Woman Who Asked To Become A Man) | Female | Greek |
Caius | Rejoicer. | Male | English |
Calibumus | Various Names For Arthur's Sword | Male | Arthurian |
Capaneus | Myth Name (One Of The Attackers Against Thebes) | Male | Greek |
Carolus | Strong | Male | French |
Cassibellaunus | Myth Name | Male | English |
Cassivellaunus | From Arthurian Legend | Male | Celtic |
Cecilius | Blind | Male | Dutch |
Celeus | Myth Name (Father Of Triptolemus) | Male | Greek |
Celsus | Name Of A Saint | Male | Irish |
Cephalus | Myth Name (Husband Who Killed Procris) | Male | Greek |
Cepheus | Myth Name (Father Of Andromeda) | Male | Greek |
Cerberus | Myth Name (Guardian To The Gate Of Hades) | Male | Greek |
Cestus | Myth Name (Aphrodite's Girdle) | Female | Greek |
Cetus | Myth Name (Sea Monster Of Poseidon) | Male | Greek |
Chochuschuvio | Hopi Name Meaning " White-Tailed Deer." | Male | Native American |
Chusi | Snake Flower (Hopi) | Female | Native American |